Friday, November 7, 2014


Yesterday I posted on Private Sewer and Water's Facebook page reminding Ron that he committed to finishing the job at my house today. 

But I have a problem.  My wife had planned to go to my mother's today so that she could do some freelance while my mother watched my daughter.   Which means no one is going to be around when Ron is supposed to show up.   Chances are that Ron is not going to show up, but I can't allow him to claim that he tried to finish the job but we weren't here. That would give him months of time to delay and pretend that he had the high ground.

So I posted on their wall again this morning. 

Hi Ron.  Just wanted to remind you that you committed to finish the job at my house later today.  My wife will be running errands through out the day so please text me when you are on the way, or know the exact time you are going to show up so that we can make sure someone is around.

So now on the off chance that he actually does show up when he said he'll show up I can go home an meet him there.  I had a bunch of meetings scheduled that I really couldn't afford to miss, but I need to get this project done, so I'll go home if I have to.

Around 1:30PM I get the following text. 

We have to move you to Monday, sorry.  First thing though.
So around 8.

So, there you have it.  If you bet on Ron postponing his commitments you win every time.  We'll play the game on Monday.  On the plus side Ron actually told me that he wasn't going to show up today and tried to reschedule rather than just disappearing.  Small victories.

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